
2 month appointment

Elizha is 2 months old! She has grown so so much! I have loved staying with her and being with her 24/7. It will be hard going back to teaching...but life is great! I'll be coming home to a lovely daughter and a great husband...WELL...today was Elizha's doctors appointment at 10 am. I was looking forward to this day to see how she has been doing. I knew that she would be vaccinated and it was quite the experience! The few photos I took will tell how it went...

Elizha was resting so well! She woke up with a BIG SMILE on her face! The usual mornings!
Our ride to the clinic, she was just relaxing in the heat of our car. Not knowing what was going to happen to her at the clinic.
Waiting to be called back to get her check-up
Baby Elizha weighs 13 lbs 8 oz at the age of 2 months :)
Waiting for the Doctor to give her the usual check-up
Resting from the pain...she did so well.

When nurse that put in her shots stretched out elizha's legs and put in the first shot...that is when baby started to cry. It was a lot of crying...it took her awhile to get to a cry. Poor baby was in pain...the three shots took about less than 30 seconds. Two on the left thigh and one on the right. She was a tough baby. I though she would cry all the way home, but she didn't. As soon as we came into the entrance of the buidling, she wasn't crying as much! I laughed when they put the first shot in because baby was just so cute! SHE DID GREAT on this visit. We already set her goals for her 4 month visit.

2. Sleep more often in her crib
3. Have her head turn more to the left side to stretch the little muscle.

Next time her doctor sees her, Elizha should put pushing her self up from her tummy to hold her head up! I'm looking forward to that day :)